Artist and Repertoire (A&R) is a record label or music publishing department responsible for talent scouting, composer development, and mediating between composer and managing director. From signing the composer to releasing projects, all fall within the scope of the A&R department.
Talent Scouting
Finding new talent is a critical aspect of their job. This task requires the A&R department to have a high level of competence, as personnel is expected to understand market dynamics and help the label find composers that will be successful commercially. For this reason, the A&R department comprises musicians, journalists, and producers. A&R staffers recruit at music festivals, clubs, and, most importantly, social media. From the point of contact, an A&R executive is authorized to offer a record contract as a deal memo. A deal memo is an informal document that establishes a relationship between the composer and the publishing company. Following the offer, the two parties negotiate a contract that best fits the situation.
Composer Development
A&R also oversees the development of the newly signed composer. The associated tasks include scheduling studio time, connecting the best-fitting producer to the composer, and advising on how to make the most significant commercial impact through music and public image. During the recording process, A&R will work with the composer to create the most palatable music possible. This process includes reaching out to songwriters and producers if necessary and choosing the best track list for commercial projects. Towards completion of the project, A&R will convey if that project is acceptable to the publishing company. Revisions may need to occur, including newly written songs, re-recording, or a new arrangement of existing songs.
Professional Skills
Deep knowledge of musical trends
Analytical and Technical Skills
Strong Written and Verbal Skills
Ability to effectively interact and build relationships with stakeholders
Project management
Individuals aspiring to become A&R personnel may pursue higher education to earn a degree in communication, marketing, administration, or music business. Although not required, these courses can equip a candidate with theoretical and practical skills needed to help conduct best practices. Many roles do not require advanced education, such as a master's degree, but it can be a helpful asset that can distinguish an individual from other candidates.
Career Path
Positions within a record label's or publishing company's A&R Department will vary depending on the company's size and budget. Typically, employees start their career as an intern or an entry-level position in another music industry department before moving into an administrator, scouting, or coordinating role. Getting involved in the local music scene is an excellent start for individuals to build their network. From a music venue to a local radio station, all provide meaningful experience and networking for aspiring A&R representatives.