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Audio Production: What is Audio Production?

Audio production is the production of music from start to finish. It includes everything from songwriting to mastering. In today's market, music producers are often artists and engineers. However, many people can be involved in filling different roles.

Beat Making

Beat-making is the beginning of audio production. Without a beat, there cannot be a song to record. Beats are the foundation that sets the potential song's tone. Beats today are produced mostly with digital tools in beat-making software. However, live instrument samples are still utilized in the construction of beats. Beats are made by a person who is known as a producer. Producers are responsible for capturing the "vibe" or sound of the artist.


Songwriting refers to the crafting of lyrics and melodies. The artist or leader of a music group typically does the songwriting. However, some labels utilize a "ghostwriter" to support their artist. A ghostwriter is a third party who writes the lyrics for the artist or music group.


Once a beat and lyrics are composed, recording is the next step in the audio production process. An audio engineer is utilized since they specialize in audio production software and equipment selection. Interestingly, there has been an increase in artists capable of engineering their audio. The rise of artist engineers has caused a switch from traditional studio sessions to home studio sessions.


Mixing occurs after the audio is recorded into the audio production software. Mixing is the process in which multiple audio elements are brought together sonically in a way that appeals to the listener. Balancing the various audio elements is critical to achieving the intended result for the audio engineer. Many techniques are used when mixing. Knowing what methods and where to use them requires an engineer with a trained ear.


Audio mastering is the final step in the audio production process. It is the post-production process of optimizing music and preparing it for distribution. Mastering ensures playback optimization for various music systems and platforms. The mastering stage begins with processing the final mix covered in our article "Audio Production: Mixing."

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